Garlic Chips


Dairy free / egg free / gluten free / nut free / vegan


  • Roasting potatoes (1-2 per person)
  • 2-3 large cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • handful of parsley
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees c and place a roasting dish  with a glug of olive oil in the oven to heat up (the pan needs to be really hot for the chips to be really crispy!)

Place a pan of water on a medium heat, peel and chop potatoes into thick strips, drop them into the saucepan and bring to the boil for 5-10 minutes.

Whilst the potatoes are cooking, finely grate or chop the garlic into a bowl, add salt, pepper and a tbsp of olive oil. It should form into a thick paste.

Drain the potatoes and mix them with the garlic paste before putting them in the roasting tin with the hot oil. Return them to the oven for 1 minutes before turning them over.

Leave them for a further 15 minutes until they are lovely and crispy. Serve with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

Gracie CrakeComment